Adding Customers Permanently To Route via Customer Service

Service calls can be Added to an existing Permanent Route in Customer Explorer for a Customer Service with any Week Code except On Call. Calls can be added as Sequenced or Unsequenced. Once the call is routed, future routed calls are available in View Calendar.


Route Call via Customer Service

  1. Recall a Customer-Site-Service.
  2. From the Service Level, select the Routing tab.
  3. Right click anywhere in the blank space.
  4. Select Insert New Pickup.
  • Routing Assistant will open.

  1. Select a specific Day of the Week or leave the default as All Days.
  • When All Days and Show Route by Matching __ (see step 6), TRUX will display the most suitable routes in the route number drop down list.
  1. Show All Routes will be the default or can be changed to display by any of the options in the drop down. Read More...ClosedIf selecting Show Route With Matching Street, Zip or Postal Code, City or Map Code. TRUX will display routes with calls containing a match for the selection you made in the drop down.

    For example, if you selected Show Routes with Matching Street, TRUX will display routes with the same street as the service you are routing.

    When Highlight Matching Calls is selected, the matching results will display in the grid in Green.

    When selecting Match by Nearby Sites, TRUX will present a list of routes with existing calls closest to the call you are trying to route as well as a distance measurement beside the route number to show how far away the existing call is from the new call to be routed.

  2. Select the Route from the drop down where this service to be inserted into.

  1. In the Sequenced Calls tab, highlight the row where this service will be inserted before or after.
  2. Click Insert Before or Insert After.
  3. Enter the Lifts and Activity.
  4. Click Route.
  • The call will now be permanently routed as per the selections.


From Unsequenced Tab

Unsequenced means the call will not get assigned a sequence number but will be flagged as unsequenced and appear at the beginning of the route until a sequence is assigned. This is typically used when a new stop is added to a route and it appears at the front of the route so the driver will see it and allow the driver to determine what sequence on the route it should come before or after. Once determined, the user will go into Resequence Calls to make the change.


  1. Click Unsequenced Calls tab.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Enter the Lifts and Select the Activity.
  4. Click Route.

  • The call will appear as Unsequenced in the Customer Service Routing Grid and Unseq on the Route Sheet.


View Calendar

Once the call is on a route, the future routing schedule is available from the View Calendar in the Customer Service Routing Tab.


  1. Click View Calendar
  2. Highlighted dates in green refer to the future routed calls.
  • If the starting week needs to be changed, modify the Start Routing Date on the Customer Service, save and re-open the calendar.


Removing Customers Permanently From Route

Permanently Route Customers via Maintain Routes

Permanently Route Customers via Services To Be Routed

Resequence Calls