Logging and Required Fields

Customer Explorer fields have the option to Require an entry, Log changes and require Change Reasons.


  • Each Customer, Site and Service field within Customer Explorer will be available in the Field List.
  • Columns are available to mark fields as Required, Logged and Reason Req.


Required: Fields must have an entry in order for the user to save and continue.

  • Required Fields display in Green.
  • A check will appear in fields that TRUX requires and these field selections cannot be removed. Such as Customer Name, City, Start Date, etc...
  • Select the box for any field to be made Required.
  • Select the box at the top of the Required column to select all fields. Important Note: Selecting all will not allow the user to save and continue until every field is populated.
  • If a Required field is left blank upon save, the user will receive a warning message indicating the field which is required.


Logged: Changes made to logged fields will be stored as fields changed from and toClosed.

  • Select the box for any field to Log changes.
  • Select the box at the top of the Logged column to select all fields. Important Note: Selecting all will log every change made to every field within Customer Explorer: Customer, Site and Service. Therefore, the logging reports will become very detailed.
  • Customer Field Changes are available to view and report by date, user, terminal and notes in the Logged ActivitiesClosed.


Reason Required: Upon field changes, a Change Reason will be required upon saveClosed.

  • Select the box for any field to require Change Reasons.
  • Select the box at the top of the Reason Req. column to select all fields.
  • The selection of change reasons will present based on the Change Reasons.
  • View and report on customer changes by reasons in the Customer Change Audit Report.


Change Reasons

Customer Explorer