Sales Journal

All billed sales are included in the Sales Journal for the period the invoices were generated for. The Sales Journal differs from the Sales Listing whereas the Sales Listing allows for the inclusion and exclusion of sales based on parameters. Sales Journal is used when balancing out as part of the Monthend Process.



  1. Select a Report Period.


  1. Select Report Type Summary or Detail.


Reports a summary of invoice charges by Lift/Pull, Period, Disposal, Misc. and Tax.


Detail: Reports a list all invoices generated within this period followed by the summary report.Closed

  • Detail offers an additional option to only include invoices with corrections.


  1. Option to Separate Receivables and Rebates.Closed


  1. Select an output: Preview, Print, Export or Email.



Sales Listing

Generate Invoices

Monthend Process

Period End Timetable