Account Inquiry Settings and Security

Access can be granted or denied to specific functions available in Account Inquiry and Context Menu's within Account Inquiry by Security Profile. Also See Related Topics.


Account Inquiry


  1. Select the Profile Name from the drop down.
  2. Expand the Account Inquiry tree.
  3. Grant or Deny the Access to Account Inquiry and/or Enable Suspend Apply & Credit Limit/Warning Update Rights.

  1. Grant or Deny Access to Context Menus (Right Click Menus).

  1. Expand Context Menu>Account Inquiry tree and Context Menu>Adjust tree.

  1. Review Menus. Grant or Deny the Context Menu options under both the Account Inquiry and Adjust menu's.
  2. Save Changes
  • Options Granted with a check in the box will be accessible by the user in Account Inquiry.
  • Options Denied without a check in the box will be inaccessible by the user in Account Inquiry.


Account Inquiry Overview

Account Inquiry Account History