Account Inquiry Invoices

Account Inquiry allows for a multitude of Invoice related tasks. Invoices can be Generated from an Account Inquiry Unbilled Invoice, Print/Preview/Email Invoices , Send Multiple Invoices or Reverse Invoices for individual accounts directly from Account Inquiry. This document will take you through the illustrated steps to perform all of these tasks. Also see Related Topics.


Generate Invoice From Account Inquiry


  1. Check the Unbilled box.
  2. Select Presumed Invoice Date.
  3. Unbilled invoice(s) are created.
  4. Review Unbilled details.
  5. Right click on the Unbilled invoice.
  6. Select Generate Invoice (MM/DD/YYYY)

  • Invoice is created.
  • Invoice number assigned is the next available invoice number.
  • Separate A/R Customer Bill To types will generate a separate invoice for each site to the master account.
  • Pay Rebates Account Types will generate a separate invoice for positive and negative value transactions.
  • Invoice Details displays all invoiced activity for the invoice created. Miscellaneous Transactions, Service, Period, Disposal Charges, Surcharges & Taxes.
  • Left click on invoiced transactions in the Invoice Details grid to view the transaction in read-only.


Reverse Invoice From Account Inquiry


Note: In order to Reverse an Invoice, the Invoice cannot have any adjustments or payments posted to it and the Invoice Date must be within an open billing period.

  1. Right click on an Invoice in the Invoice List.
  2. Select Reverse.

  1. Enter Reversal Note.
  2. Click Ok.
  3. Confirm Cancel and Click Yes.

  • Invoices Removed message will be received.
  • Details from reversed invoice are now considered Unbilled.
  • Check the Unbilled box to view Unbilled invoice and details.


Print, Preview, Email Invoices


  1. Right click on any invoice in the Invoice List (paid or unpaid).
  2. Select Print, Preview or Send To.
  • Account Inquiry uses the Default Invoice TypeClosedSystem>Configuration>Code Maintenance>Accounting>Invoice Print Parameter


Print or Previewed Invoice View (Paid and Unpaid)


Send To

  1. Send Email window will open.
  2. Verify default email address, manually enter email address or select Customer Contacts email.
  3. Subject and Attachment will include Invoice to be emailed.
  4. Email Body message will default from the Invoice Print ParametersClosed .
  5. Click Send.
  • Email will send with the invoice attachment.

  • Click on the Invoice Email Audit tab to view emailed invoices.


Send Multiple Invoices

  1. Hold the Shift Key and click multiple invoices in the grid.
  2. Right click in the grid over the highlighted invoices.
  3. Print or Send To option is available.
  4. Print will print all invoices selected.
  5. Send To will email all invoices selected as attachments.


Account Inquiry Unbilled

Account Inquiry Billing Cycle and Threshold

Account Inquiry Overview

Reverse Customer Invoices

Email Notification Settings